Thursday 6 March 2014


A year 13 student reviewed by earlier work and wrote down some suggestions to improve my work:

They stated that my positive on my front cover and contents page were that the pictures were well taken, good fonts and headers. However, there were some improvements such as: it needing more cover lines, too many colours, it looking like a spreadsheet and too much white space.
I added more cover lines to get rid of empty space on my front page.
I felt that more text on the top would make the page look more crowded so I added more text on my headline concerning Rita Ora and wrote down what album reviews were included in the magazine. This filled up space, making my page look more professional and adhered to their improvements.
To then make my contents page look less like a spreadsheet and fill in white space I added underlines to my titles and made the borders around my pictures thicker and pictures bigger. This makes my page look fuller and , therefore, more aesthetically pleasing.
For my double page spread the individual said to put a headline or quote on my picture to help fill up space. I will shows you how I did this in the video below.

As I had already added the text to the left side of the picture, I decided to not include the quote at the side as I felt it made the piece look too crowded. However, I did adhere to their advice by adding text to the photograph on the bottom left hand side.
To add interest to my double page spread but not clog it up by putting on another quote or headline on I decided to change the colour of some text.

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