Monday 31 March 2014

Evaluation Question 4

My music genre is chart music meaning it will have a broader target range as chart music is not is such a specific type unlike rock music, for example. However, I do predominantly target my magazine at young individuals from 15-21 ,this is due to this group being the most interested in chart music ,as shown by 67.1% KISS FM’s (a chart music radio station) listeners being 16-21 year old. My audience may be either male or female as I have made my magazine gender-neutral in order to increase potential profit margin. I have achieved this through using red, a colour not particularly associated with either sex, as the main house colour throughout the magazine. In addition, artists featured on the front cover are the ones dominating the charts, showing how I have kept true to the music genre the magazine represents and what the target audience listen to. Popular artists such as, Drake and Taylor Swift, have a cover line on the front page drawing the target audiences attention to those particular household names

To also attract my target audience of young people I plan to also keep the price low, as from my research I found most weekly music magazines were priced from £2.20-£2.60. Therefore, I will price mine at £2 as it will just be starting so I need to not put off potential buyers by having a higher price on equal with more well-known magazines such as, ‘Kerrang!’Furthermore, most of the people in my target audience will either be at university or have a weekend job, meaning they will not have a vast access to money , therefore, we should keep the price low to maintain that they can afford it. 

Furthermore, my target audience have also been targeted through the clothes featured throughout the magazine. In my research most individuals said they would prefer high street clothing to be worn by the artist. I have achieved this by making both artists featured wear clothing from Topshop, River Island and H&M – shops all mentioned that the target audience went to. This will increase accessibility for the target audience to the magazine as they wil be able to buy the clothes featured. This will help attract them as they will also get a shopping aspect in the music magazine and will be able to relate more to the feature artist as well, hopefully increasing sales. 

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