Tuesday 11 March 2014

Contents Page Research

I have chosen this magazine as it is based on the charts, meaning it will be more useful when planning how my contents page will look as I want my page to correlate with other magazines of the same genre.  On the upper left hand corner the logo of the magazine is placed. This helps to continue the house style of the magazine through appearing more consistent as the magazine title is implemented on all pivotal pages. The readers are also reminded of the magazines title, making it more memorable. Consistency is also developed through there being a clear colour scheme implemented on the contents page. The colours are blue, black and yellow – all eye-catching colours attracting the reader’s attention and ma
king the page hard to ignore. An organized layout is displayed through there being a clear layout of three columns, this is to make it easier for the reader to direct themselves to the pages they want to see in the magazine. Each section is also separated by sub-headings making the magazine layout clearer. To add interest and make the page more appealing to the eye a variety of pictures have been included. Moreover, not only one artist is featured but several making the page more interesting as the reader gains a further insight into other features. A chart table is also placed to the left of the page making the reader fully aware of the genre the magazine uses. It also adds interest to the page by giving the reader something interesting to read already. The title of the page ‘Contents’ dominates the page, meaning the reader knows what exactly what page they are on. It also adds interest to the page and makes it more eye-appealing as the title has design features placed on it.

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