Monday 10 March 2014

Double Page Spread Research

All of the left hand side is taken over by a picture of the artist, meaning she is a dominant feature of the article. I like this as it means the article is more eye-catching and the reader is drawn in more. The picutre is a mid-shot , however, seems more like a close up as her face is the focus of the picture due to having heavy makeup and large, volumnous hair meaning the reader's attention is instantly drawn to it. There is a white background which is continued through both pages. This is a feature I like a lot as it looks better than having two different colours as a background on each page, as seen on a lot of double page spreads where the background of the picture is a different colour to the text. I would like to include this in my own double page spread as I feel it makes it look more professional and the pages blend better together.

This is another article I think is very effective and has a great presence due to being so eyecatching. The colour scheme in this article is effectively used due to black, white and red all going together well making the page look very professional. Moreover, the red design elements on the page mean that certain areas of text are highlighted such as, 'The brother I wanted to smother', making the reader automatically be drawn to them and creating interest.The bold colours used compliment and reflect the bold picture of Joe Jonas, meaning the article has a greater impact as everything stands out. However, I do believe a larger text or drops cap at the start would have made the text stand out more against the red design element and would have made the article look better.  

Although this magazine does not fit into my music genre I felt it was important to research other types of double page spreads to get the best feel of how to present my work and get other ideas. I think the picture is well taken and fits well with its chosen genre, something I hope to emulate in my own double page spread. It fits well within its rock genre due to artists being dressed in dark clothing and there is gritty, relaistic background of docks and ships. Whereas, in pop music magazines the background is often white and the pictures are often taken at a studio not on location. I think the pages blens well together due to contuining the background between both pages. Additionally, the colours on the page , blue, black and white also fit well into the genre through not appearing girly but also the colours compliment the picture by reflecting the unpolished, gritty feel of the photograph. The title 'Young Rebel Set' is modern and young through being sans-serif, something I hope to emulate. However, I do not like how the title is so much smaller that the actual title fo the  magazine. I feel it does not make the article as eye-catching and the reader would not be fully drawn to it.

From this research I feel I have been able to conclude what styles I like for my double page spread.I have found I prefer to have a picture just on one side and a larger title as I feel it is more eye-catching. The double page spread that was my favourtie was the Lady Gaga one as I feel it is the most modern and I feel the black, white and red colour scheme works really well. 

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