Monday 17 March 2014

Final Double Page Spread

This is my final double page spread, I chose to continue with the colour scheme of red, white and black to emphasise my house style and make the magazine continuous for the reader. Moreover, to continue with the house style that is often seen within other magazine such as NME, which places its logo at the end of each page, I used the same 'The Buzz Weekly Edition' used on my contents page. This makes my double page spread look more professional as it correlates with other magazines. I chose the drop shadow effect on specific lines in the double page spread as these effects also make the page look more professional as these page or text effects are often seen in music magazines as they add interest to the page. To make the magazine correlate I used some of the same texts I had formerly used in the front and contents page, this text was 'Channel Slanted'. I chose this text as it was an italic style but still looked modern, reflecting the modern chart music my magazine features. Th text is used in places where I want attention to be drawn such as , the pool quote which dominates the right page.I also used this text on her name on the left page, this was to highlight her name so the reader is still aware of who is featured. I chose to include this section as the page looked plain without it and it is often featured on other magazines when there is a lot of background left after the picture has been placed as it fills up space. The picture was chosen as I think it shows a different side to my feature artist as on the front cover she has a stern expression and looks more posed, whereas this shot appears more natural due to her smiling and having relaxed body language.

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