Friday 13 December 2013

Kerrang Magazine Analysis 2

The title:Why is it called that?What does the title connotate?
The title is short, expressive and in your face, reflecitng the type of music featured in the magazine. The title has connotations of loud, unapologetic music through the exclamation mark at the end, exhibiting how the magazine specialises in heavy rock music - the term 'thrash metal' was invented by the magazine.
 The masthead/title logo- analyse it.
The title logo is the same for each issue, meaning it is easily recognizable. The white text is slightly rugged and has lines goin through it, the title is placed on a blue background. This makes the text stand out more, whilst the effects placed on the text contribute to the edgy feel of the magazine, meaning it will be more attractive for its young, rock target market. The text is also Sans Serif adding to the young feel of the magazine.
Is there a strap line - analyse it.
There is no strap line on the magazine.
What is the main image? Analyse the facial expression, direction of gaze, body language, clothing etc. How does it reach out towards the ideal reader identified above?
The main image is of Gerard an ex-member of the band 'My Chemical mid-shot he has a serious expression and wear brown sunglasses, black top and distressed green army jacket. The expression may be to reach out to the target market as Kerrang is often thought of as a 'cool', rock magazine , meaning it would be unlikely that it would have a smiling picture. Additionally, the direciton of the gaze is directly towards the reader, this means it would automatically catch the reaaders eye. The body language is reserved and relaxed, meaning it keeps to the young, relaxed audience. The picture also retains the rock feel through Gerard wearing sunglasses, an accessory often worn by rock singers (e.g. Liam Gallagher), this further entices a younger audience. The picture is in colour making it stand out more,meaning consumers will be more liekly to pick it up as it would stand out on the shelf.
Romance'. In the
What other images appear on the cover? Why?
The other images that appear on the cover are advertismeents for other features within the magazine , for example, '6 amazing posters' are advertised on the front and next to the advert are the pictures of the posters included in the magazine. The extra pictures help the magazine jump out more for the audience, meaning someone will be more likely to pick it up. Moreover, it adds more colour and interest tp the page making it more appealing to the eye of the reader, it also gives the audience a deeper insight into what is featured inside the magazine.
What content is promoted by the cover lines?
There is a lot of content promoted on the cover, compared to NME. For example, a new album by the band 'A Day To Remember' is promotoed along with the chance for a reader to 'win a £500 guitar'. Overall, the things promoted are:
  • Metallica - 'Inside Lars' Movie Night'
  • 'Deaf Havana as you've never seen them before'
  • 'A Day to Remember - the album that almost destoryed them'
  • 'Win a £500 Guitar'
Explain the connotations of typefaces (fonts), graphics, colours etc.
The logo is white on a blue background, making it stand out more, meaning it will catch a consumers eye more easily. The font and graphics used contribute to the edgy feel of the magazine, this is achieved through the distressed effect out on the text. Additionally, the text is all in bold, making it stand out more and making the cover more eye-catching. The text is a mixture of collours such as, red, yellow, white and black.
What sort of language/language features/language devices can you identify? How does the cover talk to the reader?
The language on the cover is basic; this means a wide range of people will be more likely to be able to read it. The language also directly addresses the reader, meaning the reader is dragged into looking at the title. An example of this is - 'Deaf Havana as you've never seen them before', this is a language device. This is how the cover directly talks to the reader.
Does the cover look similar to other magazines?If so why? What does thismagazine offer which other rivals don't (i.e. What's is USP)?
It does look slightly similar due to the 'rock' feel of the magazine through the person on the front wearing sunglassses etc. However, it difference is it has more content on the front cover compared to other rock music magazines. This makes it appear less glossy, this is relected in the cheap price of £2.20. It USP is it is a cheap hevay rock music magazine , whereas, most other music magazines focus on lighter music.
Is there anything else distinctive about the cover/format (e.g. size)?
It is a similar size to most other magazines, however, its logo is different to most other magazines. This is achieved through its distressed look, additionally, it has mosre pictures than other magazines on the cover.
How many pages are there?
How many pages of adverts?
Categorise the products advertised into types?
Gigs and Tours are the main advertisments thoughout the magazine, for example, 'Thirty Seconds to Mars' new tour is advertised
New albums and music are also featured such as, 'Killswitch Engage's new album 'Trivium' is included. To bring a wider audience to the magazine there is an advertisement for 'Kerrang! Get Social' where Kerrnag's Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and Youtube page is advertised.
Make a list of the features/article topics inside the magazine.
You Me at Six
Crowdfunding - Is it a rip-off
Motley Crue
Introducing: Darlia
We made an amazing joke about salad on these pages
Gerard Way
Deaf Havana
The films that saved my life
A day to Remember
Fall Out Boy, Metallica, P!atd, Of Mice and Men and More!
Tongiht Alive
Bless The Fall
Young Guns
Impericon Never say die Tour
Linkinn Patk
The Swellers
Protest The Hero
Fall Out Boy
The Blackout/TRC
Killswitch Engage
How many double page spreads are there?
Are there any advertorials where it is not clear is something is an article or an advert, or a picture of both?
No, the adverts are clear as they usually have specific pictures ans subjects and advertise mostly gigs and albums. The double page spread is also clearly recognizable due to the focal picture.
How does the magazine achieve a unified 'house style'? Think about language and mode of address, colour schemes graphical elements etc.
The magazine achieves the unified house style through including a lot of content on each page compared to other magazine. Each page is full of pictures and writing to add interest for the reader and to make the magazine more informative. Additionally, the house style is achieved through by each page number a small 'Kerrang!' logo being present and with text throughout being distressed.
Why is the house style appropriate to the target audience? What assumptions does it imply about the TA?
The house style is appropriate as the distressed feel of the magazine and mass content within the pages contribute to the edgy feel of the magazine, meaning it will be more attractive to the young, modern , rock-listening audience. It provides the assumptions that the audience is quite edgy, this is reflected in the magazine through it mainly featuring new bands and music.

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