Monday 10 February 2014

Further Target Audience Research

This research shows my target audience shop at mainly high street stores or online, meaning they like clothes and products that are easily attainable and mainstream. Moreover, one target audience member said she primarily listened to hip hop and r n' b, these songs are primarily the ones included in the charts nowadays due to rap artists such as, Kanye West and Jay Z becoming more predominantly mainstream recently. Two of the target audience members stated they would prefer the artist featured in the magazine to be wearing high-street clothing rather than high-end, meaning I will be more likely to choose this type of clothing for my magazine cover. They may have said this as the clothes would be easily bought from the high street, and as they stated they would want fashion to be included it makes sense to include fashion they would actually wear. Moreover, the average price they would be willing to pay for a weekly magazine would be £1.50- £2.00, meaning I should keep my magazine reasonably cheap to entice my target audience.

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