Tuesday 11 February 2014

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Just over four years ago Summer Boland became an overnight superstar thanks to her Youtube videos. That young girl was struggling to get by clasping at every chance of superstardom, now she rules the world with her chart-topping pop songs whilst her accolade of music awards (including 3 Grammys) help to show how she is the new-found ‘Queen of Pop’. After the phenomenal success of her last album ‘Summer Moments’ she comes back this year with an even catchier, raunchier debacle in the form of her latest mix tape ‘Summer Breeze’, which has set the charts alight. Now ‘The Buzz’ aims to get the truth about the reality of her instant success and what is really going on with on-again off-again rock star boyfriend Rhys Brown…

So how do you feel about the new mix tape?
I feel very positive about my new work; the mix tape leads to a new direction for me musically. Me adding in more duets and features within ‘Summer Breeze’ allows me have more freedom with the music I make and to get ideas from other artists.

Which duet are you most excited about?
Definitely my duet with Eminem- he was a big inspiration for me growing up as we had similar backgrounds and EVERYONE used to listen and sing along to him in the playground. Also, he really helped to hone my producing skills with that specific track as before it was more people telling me what to do with each different song, however, he made me have a say in how I wanted the finished product to sound. It was refreshing to have another artist that could actually teach me something about the industry.

Why did you decide to make a mix tape this time and not a whole new album?
I just felt that some of the tracks from ‘Summer Moments’ hadn’t reached their full potential so the mix tape allowed me to change the production and add other artists into some of the songs, meaning the fans would be happier as now they have two different versions of the same song! But, to be honest, it was mainly because I don’t have the time right now to make a completely new album. ‘Summer Breeze’ gave me the opportunity to put out a few new songs without having to go through all the stress and promo of putting out a lot of completely new music. It just helped me to develop as an artist.

Why do all your albums start with your name?
The reason my albums start with my name is…well, it wasn’t exactly planned like that but it was so effective in the marketing of the first album that we though we may as well turn it into a trademark.

What do you hope your fans will think of your new work?
I hope they’ll be pleased with it, as at the end of the day it all depends on how well they receive it and whether it sells well. I hope they’ll appreciate I’m trying to grow as an artist and this mix tape gave me a real opportunity to do that.

Are you excited to have Rita Ora supporting?
I cannot explain my excitement, she’s a fresh, new artist who has an amazing amount of talent and a fantastic futre ahead of her.

So… we have to ask, what is going on with Rhys Brown?
At the moment I am single and just focusing on my music and my fans, to be honest, I don’t really have time for a relationship right now. I’m enjoying having time to myself as I felt the relationship meant I couldn’t focus wholly on the music I was making.

What about all those rumours of him cheating on you?
Rhys and I are the only ones who know fully what’s gone on between us and I’m trying to keep it like that really - there’s no need for the whole world to know our business.

Has the breakup influenced any of the songs on the mix tape?
Yes, most definitely, the break up means the songs on this mix tape are more personal as they’re based on things that actually happened to me.

Did you ever see a future with Rhys?
I wouldn’t get into a relationship with someone I didn’t see a future with.

Do you think you’d date someone in the public eye again?
Most definitely, you can never help who you fall for.

What do you think 2014 will bring for you?
I hope 2014 will bring more chart success and more Grammys, after all what is the point of producing songs and not getting recognition for them.


Favourite colour? Purple
Celebrity Crush? Ryan Gosling
Song you wish you’d written? Listen by Beyonce, it’s an all time classic
Favourite Song? Anything by Drake
Dream Collabaration? Stevie Wonder, he is a legend and his voice is amazing

Favourite food? Pizza, for sure

Monday 10 February 2014

Further Target Audience Research

This research shows my target audience shop at mainly high street stores or online, meaning they like clothes and products that are easily attainable and mainstream. Moreover, one target audience member said she primarily listened to hip hop and r n' b, these songs are primarily the ones included in the charts nowadays due to rap artists such as, Kanye West and Jay Z becoming more predominantly mainstream recently. Two of the target audience members stated they would prefer the artist featured in the magazine to be wearing high-street clothing rather than high-end, meaning I will be more likely to choose this type of clothing for my magazine cover. They may have said this as the clothes would be easily bought from the high street, and as they stated they would want fashion to be included it makes sense to include fashion they would actually wear. Moreover, the average price they would be willing to pay for a weekly magazine would be £1.50- £2.00, meaning I should keep my magazine reasonably cheap to entice my target audience.