Friday 25 April 2014

Evaluation Question 1 Continued

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My title is short, direct and punchy alike to many other music magazines on the market.

The positioning of my model is direct and centre to make her have the most impact. This is a convention of music magazines as it draws attention to the feature artists, which is often the main focus of that specific issue.

I used three columns to make my magazine cover appear neat and more pleasing to the eye. This is often used by music magazines as it ensures the artist is still the main focus but other features in the magazine can still be easily viewed and draw in the reader.

I used the rule of thirds again to make sure my page was balanced and look more professional. This is a convention of music magazines as it makes the page appear more organised and the text is easier to read.

A convention of chart music magazines such as, 'Billboard' , is to include a music chart table which displays the current chart topping, popular singles. I included this as I thought it added detail to my piece and would attract my target audience through allowing them to see what the latest hits were.

I was heavily influenced by conventions of music magazines such as, columns, having a photograph on side and including a pool quote especially on this piece. This was due to me wanting it to appear professional and correlate with other music magazines, whilst also appearing aesthetically pleasing through my layout. I was loosely influenced by a 'Q' magazine article on Lady Gaga which correlated with my house style and appeared sleek and modern. However, to cater to my younger audience I made it younger and less sexy.

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 7

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

I thought the most effective way in showing how I attracted my audience was to record individuals in my target audience and ask them what they were attracted to in my work:

Ellie Condon, 18:
Lauren Boland, 17:
The main things that attracted them to my work was the colour scheme due to the colours complimenting each other and the red gaining their attention due to its bright colour. Moreover, on the contents page they said the black and white pictures were their favourite part due to it looking modern, whilst the chart table was also mentioned as it kept them up to date with the latest music. On the double page spread the layout was noted as attracting them to the piece. I found this unusual as it was not something I thought that was important compared to what was written and the picture, however, they said they liked how organised and spread out it made the piece look. In the future I plan to focus on the layout more as it was an obvious attractor to the piece and obviously made the double page spread more aesthetically pleasing.
Furthermore, I personally felt as my music magazine often correlated with other chart magazines it would attract my target audience more. One aspect of this is my chart music table, which is also on 'Billboard' magazine.
I felt this would attract my target audience as it would make my magazine even more chart music centred and would allow my target audience to keep up to date with the latest chart music, as stated by Lauren. In addition, my register I felt would also attract my target audience as it directly addresses them making them more likely to be drawn in and would catch their attention. The layout, as stated by Ellie and Lauren, also attracted my target audience. This may be due to it being quite spread out on all three pieces meaning headlines and text are more easy to see and the pictures are more noticeable.
I have also kept to conventions of music magazines, meaning it is more attractive, such as having a mid-shot photograph, three columns on the contents page and a predominant photograph on the double page spread. This make it more attractive to my target audience as it correlated with music magazines they already would buy and these tactics are often used my other music magazines to make them more aesthetically pleasing, so mine will be do.
Moreover, my USP (unique selling point) is also a potential attractor to my target audience. My USP is that my chart music magazine is only £2 and is gender neutral. There is not another well-known chart music magazine that has both of these qualities. For example, 'Billboard' is a popular chart magazine, however, it retails at £3-£4 as it is only produced monthly.
This would be too out of my target audience's price range due to their age and lack of funds, however, my magazine offers a solution to this. It is only £2 as it is produced weekly, meaning it is well within my target audience's price range, making it more popular amongst them. Likewise, another music magazine 'Top of the Pops' is cheap but predominantly aimed at girls.
My magazine is gender-neutral and cheap, meaning it offers a solution to boys who want to read a chart music magazine, but not one aimed at young girls.